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Second State. 23″ x 19″. Mixed Media.
Is There a Doctor in the House? 48″ x 36″. Mixed Media.
Sweetie Teenserson. 23″ x 15″. Mixed Media.
Jeannie and Jaime and Who Knows Who. 17″ x 17″. Mixed Media.
Predilection. 36″ x 24″. Mixed Media.
I’m as Puzzled as You Are. 24″ x 18″. Mixed Media.
Inconspicuous Inebriation. 8 oz Flask (Front).
Inconspicuous Inebriation. 8 oz Flask (Back).
The Rambling Introspections of a Bourgeois Pragmatist. 5″ x 7″. Sketchbook Detail #1.
The Rambling Introspections of a Bourgeois Pragmatist. 5″ x 7″. Sketchbook Detail #2.
The Rambling Introspections of a Bourgeois Pragmatist. 5″ x 7″. Sketchbook Detail #3.
Good People Happen to Bad Things. 96″ x 48″ x 4″. Mixed Media.
The Unbearable Lightness of Being…Dead. 17″ x 8″ x 4″. Mixed Media.
A Halfhearted Attempt at Lightheartedness #1. 40″ x 30″. Cyanotype and Mixed Media on Paper.
A Halfhearted Attempt at Lightheartedness #2. 40″ x 30″. Cyanotype and Mixed Media on Paper.
A Meaning for Everything. 24″ x 18″. Linoleum.
PSA. 24″ x 18″. Mixed Media.
Looking Through. 36″ x 32″. Mixed Media.
Pretty. 12″ x 12″. Mixed Media.
Untitled. 65″ x 16″ x 9″. Mixed Media.
It’s the Simple Things that Keep Us Alive. 49″ x 30″ x 4″. Mixed Media.