
In my view, life is better observed from more of a psychological perspective than a political one.  I understand that it is who we really are, as determined by personal circumstance and spirit, that sets our true course.  What I make is a reflection, a mirror.  It is a manifestation of things both major and minor that are the result of how we live our lives…and a representation of how these things influence our thought processes and ways of perception, and how they contribute to the ongoing development and evolution of ourselves as individuals.

Through an amalgam of drawn, painted, and printed imagery, I quietly observe and analyze  subjects such as interpersonal relationships, anonymity and disconnectedness, the prospect true, unmitigated happiness, the (im)plausibility of complete freedom, the drama and doldrums of everyday life, happiness despite imperfectness, confusion, uncertainty, delusion, vanity and envy, the constraints of language and time, the fear of/comfort in both life and death, the unapologetic and continual advancement of technology, and the search for and celebration of beauty in an otherwise discordant world…often concurrently within a single work…just as these things exist concurrently in any given place and time.

I find solace in these things.  In a gentle manner that is acutely aware of established notions of beauty, yet is ironically severe, sober, and pragmatic, I aim to depict these themes in a way that causes the viewer to alone, heartbroken, and confined, but somehow oddly satisfied, content, and at peace.
